Rapid 7 - Metasploit


Rapid 7 - Metasploit

Penetration testing software to help you act like the attacker

Attackers are always developing new exploits and attack methods—Metasploit penetration testing software helps you use their own weapons against them. Utilizing an ever-growing database of exploits, you can safely simulate real-world attacks on your network to train your security team to spot and stop the real thing.

Gather Attack Information

Metasploit Pro makes it easy to collect and share all the information you need to conduct a successful and efficient penetration test.

Prioritize Leading Attack Vectors

Our penetration testing software simulates complex attacks against your systems and users so you can see what a bad guy would do in a real attack and prioritize the biggest security risks.


Defending against attacks requires many complicated steps and sometimes dozens of tools. Metasploit Pro tests your defenses to make sure they’re ready for the real thing.

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